Every fourth Saturday of the month at 9:00AM Purpose of Match CMP-Sanctioned matches are now offered for the following: M1 Garand, 1903/A3 Springfield, Vintage Military, M1 Carbine, Unlimited Garand, and Modern Military rifles (AR-15). All firing will take place on...

Bench Rest Match

Every fourth Sunday of the month at 9:00AM Bench rest shooting [Wikipedia] is a sport in which very accurate and precise rifles are shot at paper targets. The rests sit on a table or bench, hence the name “benchrest.” The shooter simply sits at the bench,...

Wednesday Night Skeet

[RSVP Only] Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM On the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM, starting July 25, Frank Allegra will be opening the NRA skeet field for night skeet. Due to cold weather, there has been a low turnout for Wednesday Night Skeet....

Saturday Night Skeet

Third Saturday of the month at 6:00PM Now that the lights have been installed on the NRA Skeet Field, we are delighted to announce the introduction of SATURDAY NIGHT SKEET! On the third Saturday of each month, starting this month, January 21, 2011, we will be opening...

Pin Shoot

Please check calendar How it Works Pin shooting is a competitive sport requiring the participant to shoot bowling pins off a table top using a handgun, shotgun or rifle. At Americana 1800 Adventure Club, we currently use only handguns. The shooter stands 27 feet from...